x86 Assembly: Having hard time finding ideas for an infinite loop challenge

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-01-04 07:27:05


I'm going to intend a competition similar to "corewars" with my friends (We are using the same memory grid as the original game)

In the game each one of us supposes to write a "safe" which is an infinite loop that is not longer then 25 lines. each "safe" has a trick or a code that can stop the loop, hence breaking the "safe". for example:

    mov ax, [1000]
    cmp ax, 9999
    jne safe

This safe can be broken if we pass the correct code (9999) to the [1000], which will break the safe:

mov ax, 9999
mov [1000], ax
breaker: jmp breaker

I was thinking about making some sort of a mathematical equation, and then use it's result as the code for the safe, but I don't have any good ideas which are both short and interesting.

I'm not sure if this question is relevant to this stack site, so if it isn't I would like to know the better stack site for this kind of problem.


