Is it possible to get a List of all active Sessions?

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-01-04 04:07:13


When being in a Grails action I can access a HTTPSession with session.

Is it also possible to get a list of all active sessions?


You can use getSessionsInfo() method of ScopesInfoService service of Application Info plugin.

First install plugin(in BuildConfig)

compile ":app-info:1.0.2"{
        excludes 'jquery'

then make an entry in Config

grails.plugins.appinfo.useContextListener = true

finally inject service and use its getSessionsInfo() method

def scopesInfoService

to get the list of all active sessions.


This is the answer to your question in comments:

I was able to get it work with 2.2.4, without any issue. Make sure you read this blog for compatibilities with grails 2+.

To exclude the jquery version use:

compile (":app-info:1.0.2" ){
            excludes 'jquery'

This way your are telling Grails not to use plugins' jquery but your app.

