What is the correct syntax for importing JSNLog using ES6?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-01-04 02:45:29


I can't seem to figure out how to import JSNLog into my ES6 (babel) based Aurelia project. I've tried:

import 'jsnlog';            // JL is undefined
import JL from 'jsnlog';    // JL is {}
import {JL} from 'jsnlog';  // JL is undefined

If it matters I've learned that the jsnlog.js file is generated from typescript source.


The author has fixed this issue with the v2.17.1 release.


I am the author of JSNLog.

Just added info to the jsnlog.com site about using ES6 import to import JSNLog into an ES6 NodeJs application: http://jsnlog.com/Documentation/HowTo/LoadingJsFile#es6 (using Babel as the transpiler).

This uses:

import {JL} from 'jsnlog';


According to this line from the source code the following

import {JL} from 'jsnlog';

should work. At least, it works for me.

If it doesn't, check out your SystemJS setup. The issue will be somewhere there.

