Gnuplot BibTeX citation

痴心易碎 提交于 2020-01-03 20:49:20


OK, this is not a proper programming question, but maybe the answer will help others. I've been trying to find a suitable BibTeX entry for gnuplot, to include in a scientific publication. I just don't want to cite any guide book, but the actual software.

Does anyone have an idea, or ever used that? I was hoping to find something similar to the citation() command in R. Thank you!


There is no prescribed form to cite Gnuplot so there is no command like cite(). But earlier, I have also met the problem and find a so-so standard biblatex enytry form:

@Misc{ gnuplot ,                    
author={ Thomas Williams and Colin Kelley and {many others} },                
title={ Gnuplot 4.6: an interactive plotting program },                    
month={ April },                    
year={ 2013 },                    
howpublished={ \url{} }                    

