content disposition with attachment doesnt work for AJAX response

一世执手 提交于 2020-01-03 04:16:07


The problem for me is pretty straight forward. Onclick of an anchor tag , I execute a javascript using a4j:jsFunction and the action of this function should stream an XML file from server. The problem is , the stream sent on richfaces response doesnt give a saveAs dialog but instead renders the xml on the browser. After reading many articles I understood that Ajax response cannot give a saveAs Dialog.

xhtml snippet:

        <a4j:jsFunction name="updateCart" reRender="idFavouritePanel">
            <a4j:actionparam name="jsonObject" assignTo="#{archiveOrderBean.jsonObject}"/>

         <a4j:jsFunction  name="download" reRender="partTableId" action="#{archiveOrderBean.loadSelectedOrder}">
            <a4j:actionparam name="strId" assignTo="#{archiveOrderBean.strId}"  />

and the response set from bean.

                    response.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + attr.getUrl());
//                  writer.write(byteArr.toString());
//                  writer.flush();
                    // post(trueStr,encPath,encUrl,trueStr,response);

any help in this regard will be really helpful.


Yes, you can't trigger saveAs dialog with ajax. What you can do is return a URL. Then open that URL (with javascript). The server should then send the file (with the appropriate headers). Of course, you can skip all that and just give a link to the URL in question (unless it is dynamically generated)


I could solve this problem with the crude method not very recommended but with no alternative.

I added a hidden h:commandButton and moved the attribute action="#{archiveOrderBean.loadSelectedOrder}" from the a4j:jsFunction, On completion of javascript execution I explicitly call the click event for h:commandButton using javascript. This will synchronous request for the XML. In short decieving the click event.

This was one way I had to do the changes since the XML was created at runtime. The other way is as explained by @Bozho.

Thank you @BalusC for your help :-)

