Check real time output after qsub a job on cluster

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-01-03 03:06:15


Here is my pbs file:

#PBS -N myJob 
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -k o 
#PBS -l nodes=hpg6-15:ppn=12


On qsub documentation page, it seems like if I put the line PBS -k o, I should be able to check the real time output in a file named myJob.oJOBID in my home dir. However when I check the output by tail -f or cat or more in runtime, it shows nothing in the file. Only when I terminated the job, then the file would show the output. Is there anything I should check to make the stream flush to the output file in real time?


By default, the files are created on the nodes and copied to your home directory when the job completes. The cluster admin can change this behavior by adding "$spool_as_final_name true" to the config file in the mom_priv directory on each node.

Torque MOM Configuration, parameters

