Incorrect syntax near ';' - Works in SQL Server, not from Servicestack.ORMLite

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-01-03 02:49:09


I am executing a SQL statement through Servicestack.ORMLite. The statement is of the following format:

with rowdata as (
select t1.v1, t1.v2 datakey, t2.v1 datavalue from t1
left join t2 on t2.rowid = t1.rowid      
select * from rowdata
    FOR datakey IN ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5])
)AS PivtTable

This executes correctly in SQL Server, and in Oracle (with a few small changes). However, when executing through Servicestack.ORMLite using the 'db.Select (sql)' command, I get the following error:

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression, an xmlnamespaces clause or a change tracking context clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon.

Terminating with a semicolon just returns the following error:

Incorrect syntax near ';'

Executing every other 'Select' statement works fine, but not if it begins with a 'with' or anything else it seems. But this does not appear to be a Servicestack.ORMLite error - both are System.Data.SqlClient.SqlExceptions. If I copy the generated code generated in debug into SQL Server Management studio, it works fine, but execute the same code though ORMLite and it fails.

Any ideas?


Servicestack.ORMLite does not like CTEs. You should look at using the Custom SQL APIs, see here

Something like this:

var sql = @"with rowdata as (
select t1.v1, t1.v2 datakey, t2.v1 datavalue from t1
left join t2 on t2.rowid = t1.rowid      
select * from rowdata
    FOR datakey IN ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5])
)AS PivtTable"

List<MyType> results = db.SqlList<MyType>(sql);

