Resource Description on Web API Help page is showing “None.”

风格不统一 提交于 2020-01-02 05:15:13


I'm having trouble figuring out how to get the Help page in my Web Api to show anything for Resource Description other than None. It has IHttpActionResult linked and then "None." after that. I got my samples working by adding config.SetActualResponseType(typeof(ComplexType), "Controller", "Action"); to HelpPageConfig.cs. My controller looks like this:

/// <summary>
/// My description
/// </summary>
public IHttpActionResult Get()
        //throw new Exception("TEST");
        return Ok(returnValue);
    catch (Exception ex)
        *Company Log Method*
        return NotFound();

I don't know what I'm missing from HelpPageConfig.cs or any place else. Maybe a fresh set of eyes can catch something. Thanks in advance for the help!


I just needed to add [ResponseType(typeof(MyModel))] above my action after including using System.Web.Http.Description; at the top of my controller. I'm getting the description of my model now instead of IHttpActionResult and "None."


(This probably ought to be a comment but I don't have enough rep yet)

I'd start with break pointing the various points in Areas\HelpPage - e.g. XmlDocumentationProvider - to see if that gives you any clues. Nothing leaps out at me.

Could it be that you've changed where the XML help file is output and not updated the document path passed to XmlDocumentationProvider? The path is set through the Properties page - Output XML Documentation File.

