Item with margin-top has margin outside of containing box

邮差的信 提交于 2020-01-02 00:59:04


I have something to this effect:

#div {
   background: green; 
   width: 200px;
   height: 100px;

h1 {
   margin-top: 100px;

(And obviously there is some HTML to go with it.)

Now when viewed in the browser the h1 shows at the very top of the #div and the 100px margin goes on top of the #div.

Can anyone suggest a reason?

(The code is a little too complicated to insert the relevant parts so if no-one can give me an answer then I will post it and maybe someone will spot an error or something.)


Try to add padding instead. I've seen this kind of problem before. If the padding does the the same thing then try putting a container div around but #div and the h1 then add the margin. If you are just wanting to move the h1 down from the #div then padding is your best bet since it will "Push the h1 further into the #div 'box'".


This is not related to the H1 tag. This is what we call margin collapse.

You can find a post about this subject here :

you have several solutions :

  • use padding instead
  • add overflow: auto on your parent div
  • add transparent top border to the parent div


I was able to solve this problem by making all of my header tags (h1-h6) display: inline-block;. As inline elements with margins, they can overflow like that, but as inline blocks they behave a little more nicely with others.

