Is there a logical difference between 'not ==' and '!= (without is)

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-29 08:41:59


Is there a substantial difference in Python 3.x between:

for each_line in data_file:
    if each_line.find(":") != -1:
        #placeholder for code
        #more placeholder


for each_line in data:
    if not each_line.find(":") == -1:
        #placeholder for code
        #more placeholder

My question isn't particular to the above usage, but is more general or essential - is this syntactical difference working in a different way, even though the result is the same? Is there a logical difference? Are there tasks where one is more appropriate or is this solely a stylistic difference? If this is merely stylistic, which one is considered cleaner by Python programmers?

Also, is the above an opposite instance of asking what the difference is between is and ==? Is the former, like the latter, a difference of object identity and object value equality? What I mean is, in my above example, is the is in using not implicit?


As I understand it, functionally they are not entirely the same; if you are comparing against a class, the class could have a member function, __ne__ which is called when using the comparison operator !=, as opposed to __eq__ which is called when using the comparison ==

So, in this instance,
not (a == b) would call __eq__ on a, with b as the argument, then not the result
(a != b) would call __ne__ on a, with b as the argument.

I would use the first method (using !=) for comparison


Different rich comparison methods are called depending on whether you use == or !=.

class EqTest(object):
    def __eq__(self, other):
        print "eq"
        return True
    def __ne__(self, other):
        print "ne"
        return False

a = EqTest()
b = EqTest()

print not (a == b)
# eq
# False
print a != b
# ne
# False

As far as I know, you will get the same result for all built-in types, but theoretically they could have different implementations for some user-defined objects.

I would use != instead of not and == simply because it is one operation instead of two.


Your first example is how you should be testing the result of find.

Your second example is doing too much. It is additionally performing a boolean not on the result of the each_line.find(":") == -1 expression.

In this context, where you want to use not is when you have something that you can test for truthiness or falsiness.
For example, the empty string '' evaluates to False:

s = ''
if not s:
    print('s is the empty string')

You seem to be conflating a little bit the identity-test expressions is and is not with the boolean not.

An example of how you'd perform an identity test:

result_of_comparison = each_line.find(":") == -1
if result_of_comparison is False: # alternatively: is not True

