Set the size of a JSlider thumb

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-29 06:50:06


How can the size of the thumb be configured for a JSlider?

With the defaults, and a range for the JSlider of 256, the thumb is only a few pixels wide, which makes it quite difficult to control with a mouse.

I am using the Windows 7 look and feel and the slider looks like this:

Enabling paintTicks with a major and minor tick spacing of 0 gives a better (although not preferred) display:

The desired display is shown in the following image - taken from a native Windows 7 application:


You could try customizing the JSlider Look and Feel as follows:

UIDefaults defaults = UIManager.getDefaults();
defaults.put("Slider.thumbHeight", HEIGHT_AS_INTEGER); // change height
defaults.put("Slider.thumbWidth", WIDTH_AS_INTEGER); // change width


  • Customizing a JSlider Look and Feel

It's important to note that these changes will apply to all JSlider instances, which may make this approach undesirable.


This depends on the SliderUI, which might have hard coded sizes. If not, using mre`s suggestion would be a way to go, if you want the same thumb size for all sliders.

Alternatively to setting the defaults for a UI that uses them, you could define a different UI for a special slider (e.g. myslider.setUI(new MyCustonSliderUI())), but be aware that that has its own drawbacks.

