Xcode spell checking

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-29 06:34:08


Just wondering if there is a way to enable spell checking in Xcode. Maybe an add-on or something...


You turn on spelling from the Edit menu (right at the bottom).

Edit: For code files, there's always the compiler, although that won't check comments, and won't stop you from spelling things wrong; it'll only stop you from spelling things inconsistently.

Reedit: In the 4 years since this was posted, the spell checker has moved a little: It is now under Edit > Format > Spelling and Grammar. Format is near, but not at the bottom.


In this post is your answer.

In xCode 4.5 you need to choose: Edit -> Format -> Spelling and Grammar -> Check Document Now (cmd + ;)


Put the cursor infront of your comment and press cmd ; this will jump to the next misspelt word.


You can also do: Edit > Format > Spelling and Grammar > Check Spelling While Typing. (Xcode 4.6.3)


Unfortunately it currently doesn't work in Xcode 9 and 10. I posted a bug to apple using "Bug Report". And it was marked as a dupe of a bug with number "32062963". And I found it here.

So if you want it works. PLEASE, POST A BUG! here

Apple uses this to gauge how serious a bug is.

As it was mentioned here by Donarb.


The Scribe plugin can do that (among other things). It's smart enough not to spell check code so you don't get a lot of false positives, and you can also right-click to get spelling suggestions.

Full disclosure: I'm the author of the plugin.

