DiscordClient not recognized

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-27 01:31:33


Hey I am trying to create a bot using c#, but am getting an error when I type DiscordClient. this is my program.cs file

using System;

namespace firstbot
class MainClass
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        MyBot bot = new MyBot();


Here is the MyBot.cs file

using System;
using Discord;
using Discord.Commands;

namespace firstbot
public class MyBot
    DiscordClient discord; //error comes here
    public MyBot()


the error is: the type of namespace DiscordClient could not be found. I am not sure what is wrong and need some help. Thanks in advance


Actually, newer releases of Discord.NET (>0.9) no longer use DiscordClient. You have to use DiscordSocketClient instead.

You have an example here.


Here is how to install Discord.net :

  1. Go to Project at the top and select Manage Nuget Packages

  2. Once in the Nuget package manager, search for "Discord.Net"

  3. Make sure Include prerelease is checked next to the search bar.

  4. Install the top option : Discord.Net v1.0.1

