Mogenerator Assertion failed: (momcTool && “momc not found”), function -[MOGeneratorApp setModel:]

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-25 12:46:13


I can't get Mogenerator 1.27 to generate the NSManagedObject classes as I'm getting this error:

Assertion failed: (momcTool && "momc not found"), function -[MOGeneratorApp setModel:], file /tmp/mogenerator-LDeD/mogenerator-1.27/mogenerator.m, line 643. Abort trap: 6

I'm using this command:

mogenerator -m myApp/myModel.xcdatamodeld/myModel.xcdatamodel -O myApp/Model --template-var arc=true

The exact same command works on my old computer, but not on my new one with the same version of Mogenerator. Why would it not work on my new computer?


You may need to tell Xcode which command line tools to use, in Preferences/Locations. I had accumulated several from Xcode 4, 5 and 6 and this selection had become blank somehow.

