How to “Auto-fill” ROWS on Google spreadsheet with data from COLUMNS?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-25 10:17:07


I want to drag some data using Auto-fill on one sheet (A) that is a reference to another cell range on a different sheet (B).

Sheet A - Data wants to be in a ROW
Sheet B - Data exists currently in a COLUMN

If I drag to auto-fill on (A) horizontally, it simply looks up the data horizontally on (B). How to switch orientation?


You can use the INDEX() formula. In your case: =INDEX('Sheet A'!$A$2:$A$20,COLUMN()-2)

The -2 indicates the number of column that you are starting to drag autofill, or in other words the number of column that you have putted the first '='.

You can also find information on these two links link1 and link2.

