How to fake a library (GDI to Xamarin.Forms) across namespaces and platforms such as reusing Color struct

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-25 09:24:00


Im attempting to reuse legacy Windows GDI code in Xamarin without modifying the legacy GDI code (except using #if). In this specific case I need to use Color from Xamrin.Forms wrapped in my own color struct. I get the error cannot convert as posted in the question header above.

This is the legacy code that is not to be modified (or very little)

using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Data;
using System.Windows.Forms;
#else //if Xamarin
using FakeGDI;  //cannot specify 'using Xamarin.Forms;' in legacy class

namespace LegacyCode
    public class MyClass
        public MyClass ()
            Color x = Color.Yellow;  //must not change legacy code

This is the code to adapt the legacy GDI calls to Xamarin.Forms

using System;
//cannot specify 'using Xamarin.Forms;' I want to fully qualify Xamarin.Forms as shown below 'Xamarin.Forms.Color.Yellow;'

namespace FakeGDI
    public struct Color

        public static Color Yellow 
            get { 
                return Xamarin.Forms.Color.Yellow;

The solution I'm looking for is to get this to compile and use the Xamarin.Forms Color struct via my Color struct indirectly.

What is needed to allow this type of conversion?

The error I get is: Cannot implicitly convert type Xamarin.Forms.Color' toFakeGDI.Color'



It's absolutely not possible to do it in C#.

You're trying to do:

StructA a;
StructB b;
a = b;

In can never work. It would only be possible if Color were a class, then you could use inheritance.

The constraint that you cannot specify 'using Xamarin.Forms;' in legacy class doesn't leave you any way to do it, because in contrast to languages like JavaScript you can't copy a reference to a class, but only to an object.

However, a solution might be writing the FakeGDI in a different language which does allow copying a reference to a class.

Following is an example how to do it in JavaScript, although you can't really do it in JavaScript, you have to look for a dynamic language which can save its modules as DLLs.

module FakeGDI{
  var Xamarin = require('Xamarin.Forms.Color.Yellow');

  module.exports = {
      Color : Xamarin.Forms.Color


Your code needs to define the member static properties to be of the correct type. In other words:

namespace FakeGDI
    public struct Color
        public static Xamarin.Forms.Color Yellow 
            get { 
                return Xamarin.Forms.Color.Yellow;

Note that the Xamarin.Forms namespace is applied to the static property itself.


The exception you are seeing is because the return type of your static property FakeGDI.Color.Yellow is FakeGDI.Color but you return an instance of Xamarin.Forms.Color.

Firstly you want your static properties to return an instance of your Color type since this is the Color type you want your legacy code to reference. You then want to define an implicit opertator that will cast your Color type to the Xamarin Color type wherever your legacy code is expecting a Xamarin.Forms.Color but it supplied with your FakeGCI.Color.

You can make your Color type a wrapper for the Xamarin Color type as follows:

namespace FakeGDI
    public struct Color 
        private Xamarin.Forms.Color xamarinColor;

        public static Color Yellow
                return new Color(Xamarin.Forms.Color.Yellow);

        private Color(Xamarin.Forms.Color color)
            this.xamarinColor = color;

        public static implicit operator Xamarin.Forms.Color(Color color)
            return color.xamarinColor;

        // although serving no purpose in your snippet, your legacy code will
        // likely need to cast from Xamarin Color to your Color type also
        public static implicit operator Color(Xamarin.Forms.Color color)
            return new Color(color);

