Oracle JDBC : invalid username/password (ora-01017)

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-11-27 09:45:49

Odd. Some ideas:

  1. Log the user name and password for a few days just to make sure they are correct. Some bug in the code might overwrite a value that you don't expect.

  2. Consider to use JNDI with a connection pool provided by Tomcat. DBCP has some really advanced options to check whether a connection is still alive and how to reconnect it. After that, you shouldn't see any connection related issues in your logs anymore. This would also improve security because none of the apps need to know the DB password anymore.

  3. It might be a problem with resource leaks (happens if an app never returns the connection) but I'd expect a different error message, then.

  4. Some databases (DB2, H2) allow to create views that make remote tables from other databases visible like local tables. Not sure whether Oracle supports this but if it does, then maybe the user name/password for this remote table is wrong.

Also consider the points in this blog post: Oracle ORA-01017 tips

At first glance, nothing in the post could cause your problems but maybe some script is manipulating the tnsnames.ora (for example distributing a new copy).

Or the DBA disabled all users for the time of the daily backup.

I'd check Oracle listener and trace logs. As Aaron Digulla said, it does sound like some resource exhaustion.
