Keep QMainWindow minimized when QDialogs show()

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-25 05:22:43


I have an application with QMainWindow as the UI which is in minimized state, after some time the application throws a message by calling messageDlg->show() (messageDlg is a QDialog object). Something like this

void MainWindow::WarningDialog() 
    m_messageDialog = new QDialog(this);
    m_messageDialog ->show();

This results in my QMainWindow in normal mode which I don't want to happen i.e. am trying to keep the application in minimized window even if any is called.

I don't want the keep checking if the application in minimized mode every time a QDialog->show() is called.

I've tracked all events posted to QMainWindow::event() but the only event I see happening before restoring my window is a QEvent::WindowStateChange i.e. the window state has already changed from minimized mode.

Is there a way to keep the QMainWindow minimized even if any QDialogs are shown?


QWidget has slot showMinimized(). You should create QDialog without parent as QMainWindow. In your QDialog set attribute (e.g.

 QDialog *dialog = new QDialog;

), then you can set showMinimized() for QMainWindow in time when your QDialog had start.

