Filter resources by template variable value with MODx Wayfinder

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-25 03:54:06


I have a site that uses Wayfinder to display the latest 3 entries from an Articles blog. Now, I want to only consider those blog entries that are tagged Highlights.

My original Wayfinder call looks like this, nothing spectacular:

[[!Wayfinder? &startId=`296` &level=`1`

as Articles tags are managed via the articlestags TV, I thought that a &where might do the trick, but with no luck yet:


does not yield anything. As a sanity check, I tried [{"pagetitle:LIKE":"%something%"}], which worked. Obviously, the problem is that articlestags is not a column of modx_site_content, but I'm not sure about how to put the subquery.

SELECT contentid
FROM modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues
WHERE tmplvarid=17
  AND value LIKE '%Highlights%'

Gave me the right IDs on the sql prompt, but adding it to the Wayfinder call like this gave an empty result again:

&where=`["id IN (SELECT contentid FROM modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues WHERE tmplvarid=17 AND value LIKE '%Highlights%')"]`

Any ideas on how to achieve this? I'd like to stay with Wayfinder for consistency, but other solutions are welcome as well.


You can just use pdomenu (part of pdoTools) instead Wayfinder





Take a peek at some of the config files [core/components/wayfinder/configs ] - I have not tried it, but it looks as if you can run your select query right in the config & pass the tmplvarid array to the $where variable.


A little playing around led me to a solution: I needed to include the class name (not table name) when referring to the ID:

&where=`[" IN (SELECT contentid FROM modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues WHERE tmplvarid=17 AND value LIKE '%Highlights%')"]`

a small test showed that even a simple

&where=`["id = 123"]`

does not work without modResource..

A look at wayfinder.class.php shows the following line, which seems to be the "culprit":


This method aliases the selected columns - relevant code is in xpdoobject.class.php. The first parameter is the class name, the second a table alias. The effect is that the query selects id AS, and so on.

EDIT: final version of my query:

&where=`[" IN (
    SELECT val.contentid
    FROM modx_site_tmplvars AS tv
    JOIN modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues AS val
     ON = val.tmplvarid
    WHERE = 'articlestags' AND (
        val.value = 'Highlights'
     OR val.value LIKE 'Highlights,%'
     OR val.value LIKE '%,Highlights'
     OR val.value LIKE '%,Highlights,%'

I don't claim this query is particularly efficient (I seem to recall that OR conditions are bad). Also, MODx won't work with this one if the newlines aren't stripped out. Still, I prefer to publish the query in its well-formatted form.


I used snippet as a parameter for the includeDocs of wayfinder, In my case it was useful because I was need different resources in menu depend on user browser (mobile or desktop)


and then menu_docs snippet

if (empty ($startId))

if (!isMobileDevice())

$query = $modx->newQuery('modResource');
    'TemplateVarResources.tmplvarid' => 3,
    'TemplateVarResources.value:LIKE' => 'yes',
    'modResource.parent' => $startId,
    'modResource.deleted' => 0,
    'modResource.published' => 1,
    'modResource.hidemenu' => 0
$resources = $modx->getCollection('modResource', $query);

$ouput = array();
foreach ($resources as $resource)
    $output[] = $resource->get('id');

return implode (',', $output);

