not able to get the actual record id

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-25 02:26:32


I have create the the jqgrid which loads the data from the server , i am able to view the data in a grid , but when i try to extend and fire up onclickSubmit of $.jgrid.del i am not be able to get the actual record id (which is in my case it is 101 , 102 ) instead of that it returns 1 , 2 , may be a row index id.


    datatype: "json",
    restful:  true,
    mtype: 'GET',

    colNames:['id','title', 'description'],
        {name:'e_info_id',index:'e_info_id', width:60, sorttype:"int",editable:true,editoptions:{size:10}},
        {name:'e_meta_title',index:'e_meta_title', width:90,editable:true,editoptions:{size:10}},
        {name:'e_meta_description',index:'e_meta_description', width:100,editable:true,editoptions:{size:10}},          
    rowNum:10, rowList:[10,20,30], 
    jsonReader : { repeatitems: false },
    pager: '#pager',        
    caption: "Show Events"

JSON Response

  "success": true,
  "message": "Records Retrieved Successfully -EventAllInfo",
  "page": "1",
  "total": 1,
  "records": "2",
  "rows": [
      "e_info_id": "101",
      "e_meta_title": "Oracle Business Summit",
      "e_meta_description": null,
      "e_meta_img": null,
      "e_meta_video": null,

      "e_info_id": "102",
      "e_meta_title": "Expo 2014 - Environment",
      "e_meta_description": "",
      "e_meta_img": "",
      "e_meta_video": "",


Well specifying id in json reader solved my problem in deleting record , but when i edit the record my postdata argument contains

e_info_id: "101"
e_meta_description: ""
e_meta_title: "Oracle Business Summit"
id: "101"
oper: "edit"

and when i try to access it as or postdata.e_info_id it returns undefined , here is the onclickSubmit of edit

 onclickSubmit: function (options, postdata) {
        console.log(; //undefined

        options.url = options.editurl +'/' + encodeURIComponent(;


If you use jsonReader: { repeatitems: false } jqGrid don't know which values it should use as so named rowid. The rowid is the value of id attribute of <tr> elements in the grid.

To fix the problem you have two options:

  1. To define key: true property in the e_info_id column.
  2. To use id: "e_info_id" in jsonReader (see the answer of Christian)

The default value of id property in the jsonReader is id: "id".

It's important to know that the id value have to be unique on the page. If you for example have two grids on the page and both have information with integer ids you can have conflicts. In the case you can use idPrefix option. In the case the value of id attribute of <tr> elements will be constructed from the idPrefix (which should be different in both pages of cause) and the "standard" id.


Looking at the docs here I think you should specify your id property name in the jsonReader.

jsonReader : { repeatitems: false, id: "e_info_id" }

