SVG filter <feOffset> - possible to set dx and dy in pixel value?

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-24 19:54:24


I'm currently in the phase of learning and implementing SVG and I've stumbled upon a "drop-shadow" issue in which I can't seem to set the drop-shadow to be assigned in px values.

As an example:

<filter id="shadow" height="130%" width="130%">
  <feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="0"></feGaussianBlur>
  <feOffset dx="1" dy="1" result="offsetblur"></feOffset>
  <feFlood flood-color="#fff"></feFlood>
  <feComposite in2="offsetblur" operator="in"></feComposite>
  <feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"></feMergeNode>

The above gives a shadow that is bigger than what I had hoped was the css equivalent (but obviously isn't):

filter: drop-shadow(1px 1px 0 #333);

Trying to assign a px value to dx and dy results in an error, and I'm hoping that someone could tell me whether it's possible to do what I'm aiming for. A full example with "svg + inline filter" and "svg + css filter" can be seen below:

-webkit-filter: drop-shadow(1px 1px 0 #333);
filter: drop-shadow(1px 1px 0 #333);
svg, p{
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" id="icons-defs" aria-hidden="true" version="1.1" width="200" height="200" viewBox="0 0 200 200">
	<filter id="filter" height="130%" width="130%">
  <feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="0"></feGaussianBlur>
  <feOffset dx="1" dy="1" result="offsetblur"></feOffset>
  <feFlood flood-color="#333"></feFlood>
  <feComposite in2="offsetblur" operator="in"></feComposite>
  <feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"></feMergeNode>
	<svg filter="url(#filter") viewBox="0 0 16 28" height="150" width="150" fill="yellow">
<path d="M11.5 9c0 0.266-0.234 0.5-0.5 0.5s-0.5-0.234-0.5-0.5c0-1.078-1.672-1.5-2.5-1.5-0.266 0-0.5-0.234-0.5-0.5s0.234-0.5 0.5-0.5c1.453 0 3.5 0.766 3.5 2.5zM14 9c0-3.125-3.172-5-6-5s-6 1.875-6 5c0 1 0.406 2.047 1.062 2.812 0.297 0.344 0.641 0.672 0.953 1.031 1.109 1.328 2.047 2.891 2.203 4.656h3.563c0.156-1.766 1.094-3.328 2.203-4.656 0.313-0.359 0.656-0.688 0.953-1.031 0.656-0.766 1.062-1.813 1.062-2.812zM16 9c0 1.609-0.531 3-1.609 4.188s-2.5 2.859-2.625 4.531c0.453 0.266 0.734 0.766 0.734 1.281 0 0.375-0.141 0.734-0.391 1 0.25 0.266 0.391 0.625 0.391 1 0 0.516-0.266 0.984-0.703 1.266 0.125 0.219 0.203 0.484 0.203 0.734 0 1.016-0.797 1.5-1.703 1.5-0.406 0.906-1.313 1.5-2.297 1.5s-1.891-0.594-2.297-1.5c-0.906 0-1.703-0.484-1.703-1.5 0-0.25 0.078-0.516 0.203-0.734-0.438-0.281-0.703-0.75-0.703-1.266 0-0.375 0.141-0.734 0.391-1-0.25-0.266-0.391-0.625-0.391-1 0-0.516 0.281-1.016 0.734-1.281-0.125-1.672-1.547-3.344-2.625-4.531s-1.609-2.578-1.609-4.188c0-4.25 4.047-7 8-7s8 2.75 8 7z"></path>
	<svg id="css-filter" viewBox="0 0 16 28" height="150" width="150" fill="red">
<path d="M11.5 9c0 0.266-0.234 0.5-0.5 0.5s-0.5-0.234-0.5-0.5c0-1.078-1.672-1.5-2.5-1.5-0.266 0-0.5-0.234-0.5-0.5s0.234-0.5 0.5-0.5c1.453 0 3.5 0.766 3.5 2.5zM14 9c0-3.125-3.172-5-6-5s-6 1.875-6 5c0 1 0.406 2.047 1.062 2.812 0.297 0.344 0.641 0.672 0.953 1.031 1.109 1.328 2.047 2.891 2.203 4.656h3.563c0.156-1.766 1.094-3.328 2.203-4.656 0.313-0.359 0.656-0.688 0.953-1.031 0.656-0.766 1.062-1.813 1.062-2.812zM16 9c0 1.609-0.531 3-1.609 4.188s-2.5 2.859-2.625 4.531c0.453 0.266 0.734 0.766 0.734 1.281 0 0.375-0.141 0.734-0.391 1 0.25 0.266 0.391 0.625 0.391 1 0 0.516-0.266 0.984-0.703 1.266 0.125 0.219 0.203 0.484 0.203 0.734 0 1.016-0.797 1.5-1.703 1.5-0.406 0.906-1.313 1.5-2.297 1.5s-1.891-0.594-2.297-1.5c-0.906 0-1.703-0.484-1.703-1.5 0-0.25 0.078-0.516 0.203-0.734-0.438-0.281-0.703-0.75-0.703-1.266 0-0.375 0.141-0.734 0.391-1-0.25-0.266-0.391-0.625-0.391-1 0-0.516 0.281-1.016 0.734-1.281-0.125-1.672-1.547-3.344-2.625-4.531s-1.609-2.578-1.609-4.188c0-4.25 4.047-7 8-7s8 2.75 8 7z"></path>
<p>With inline filter</p><p>With css filter</p>


The two filters should be equivalent and behave the same. Your problem is that you are applying the filters in two different ways.

In the first case, you are applying the filter to the shape inside the SVG, so the offsets are being affected by the viewBox transform. Thus they are being scaled larger.

In the second case, you are applying the filter to the final SVG at the document level. So the 1px offsets are being treated as an actual 1px.

To make them behave the same, simply move the filter for the first one to the outermost <svg> element, so that it is being applied the same way.

See below.

#css-filter {
  -webkit-filter: drop-shadow(1px 1px 0 #333);
  filter: drop-shadow(1px 1px 0 #333);

hr {

svg, p {
<svg id="icons-defs" width="200" height="200" viewBox="0 0 200 200" filter="url(#filter)">
    <filter id="filter" height="130%" width="130%">
      <feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="0"></feGaussianBlur>
      <feOffset dx="1" dy="1" result="offsetblur"></feOffset>
      <feFlood flood-color="#333"></feFlood>
      <feComposite in2="offsetblur" operator="in"></feComposite>
        <feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"></feMergeNode>
  <svg viewBox="0 0 16 28" height="150" width="150" fill="yellow">
    <path d="M11.5 9c0 0.266-0.234 0.5-0.5 0.5s-0.5-0.234-0.5-0.5c0-1.078-1.672-1.5-2.5-1.5-0.266 0-0.5-0.234-0.5-0.5s0.234-0.5 0.5-0.5c1.453 0 3.5 0.766 3.5 2.5zM14 9c0-3.125-3.172-5-6-5s-6 1.875-6 5c0 1 0.406 2.047 1.062 2.812 0.297 0.344 0.641 0.672 0.953 1.031 1.109 1.328 2.047 2.891 2.203 4.656h3.563c0.156-1.766 1.094-3.328 2.203-4.656 0.313-0.359 0.656-0.688 0.953-1.031 0.656-0.766 1.062-1.813 1.062-2.812zM16 9c0 1.609-0.531 3-1.609 4.188s-2.5 2.859-2.625 4.531c0.453 0.266 0.734 0.766 0.734 1.281 0 0.375-0.141 0.734-0.391 1 0.25 0.266 0.391 0.625 0.391 1 0 0.516-0.266 0.984-0.703 1.266 0.125 0.219 0.203 0.484 0.203 0.734 0 1.016-0.797 1.5-1.703 1.5-0.406 0.906-1.313 1.5-2.297 1.5s-1.891-0.594-2.297-1.5c-0.906 0-1.703-0.484-1.703-1.5 0-0.25 0.078-0.516 0.203-0.734-0.438-0.281-0.703-0.75-0.703-1.266 0-0.375 0.141-0.734 0.391-1-0.25-0.266-0.391-0.625-0.391-1 0-0.516 0.281-1.016 0.734-1.281-0.125-1.672-1.547-3.344-2.625-4.531s-1.609-2.578-1.609-4.188c0-4.25 4.047-7 8-7s8 2.75 8 7z"></path>

<svg id="css-filter" viewBox="0 0 16 28" height="150" width="150" fill="red">
  <path d="M11.5 9c0 0.266-0.234 0.5-0.5 0.5s-0.5-0.234-0.5-0.5c0-1.078-1.672-1.5-2.5-1.5-0.266 0-0.5-0.234-0.5-0.5s0.234-0.5 0.5-0.5c1.453 0 3.5 0.766 3.5 2.5zM14 9c0-3.125-3.172-5-6-5s-6 1.875-6 5c0 1 0.406 2.047 1.062 2.812 0.297 0.344 0.641 0.672 0.953 1.031 1.109 1.328 2.047 2.891 2.203 4.656h3.563c0.156-1.766 1.094-3.328 2.203-4.656 0.313-0.359 0.656-0.688 0.953-1.031 0.656-0.766 1.062-1.813 1.062-2.812zM16 9c0 1.609-0.531 3-1.609 4.188s-2.5 2.859-2.625 4.531c0.453 0.266 0.734 0.766 0.734 1.281 0 0.375-0.141 0.734-0.391 1 0.25 0.266 0.391 0.625 0.391 1 0 0.516-0.266 0.984-0.703 1.266 0.125 0.219 0.203 0.484 0.203 0.734 0 1.016-0.797 1.5-1.703 1.5-0.406 0.906-1.313 1.5-2.297 1.5s-1.891-0.594-2.297-1.5c-0.906 0-1.703-0.484-1.703-1.5 0-0.25 0.078-0.516 0.203-0.734-0.438-0.281-0.703-0.75-0.703-1.266 0-0.375 0.141-0.734 0.391-1-0.25-0.266-0.391-0.625-0.391-1 0-0.516 0.281-1.016 0.734-1.281-0.125-1.672-1.547-3.344-2.625-4.531s-1.609-2.578-1.609-4.188c0-4.25 4.047-7 8-7s8 2.75 8 7z"></path>

<p>With inline filter</p><p>With css filter</p>

