C++ VisualStudio GetFileVersionInfo

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-24 17:46:30


i downloaded this class http://www.codeproject.com/file/VersionInfo.asp

i use it to get the file information from a few programs i currently run.

It works fine when i want to information from the program i wrote, but i can't get the file informations of "chrome" or my "visual studio" for example.

when i query the productName of my application i get "Todo:ProductName" because it is not set yet ;)

but when i query the productName of chrome.exe i just get "" nothing.

Does anynone know why?

Edit: i debugged a little and the probleme is here.

BOOL CFileVersionInfo::Open( IN LPCTSTR lpszFileName )
if( lpszFileName == NULL )

if( !GetVersionInfo( lpszFileName ) || !QueryVersionTrans() )

return m_bValid;

The GetVersionInfo( lpsz... ) does return 0 when there is "chrome.exe" entered

Edit 2: Yes chrome.exe has an product name field.

example: chrome.exe - File description: Google Chrome - Type: Application - File version: 23.0.1271.97 - Product NAme: Google Chrome - Product Version: 23.0.1271.97 - Copyright: ..blabla... - Size: 1.18MB - Date modified: some_date - Language: English - Original Filename: chrome.exe

Edit 3: How can I get the full path to the exe? I just have the process ID. At the moment iam looping over all processes and search for my processId.

Thanks so far for you answers :-)


How can I get the full path to the exe?

Use OpenProcess() to get a HANDLE to the process and then use QueryFullProcessImageName() to obtain the full path of the exe.

Remember to check the result of GetLastError() to determine the reason for failure.


This works fine for me

#include <windows.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#pragma comment( lib, "Version.lib" )

std::string processId_2_version( int processId )
    HANDLE h = OpenProcess( PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, processId );
    if ( h == 0 )
        return "";
    char exe[ 1024 ];
    DWORD exe_size = 1024;
    QueryFullProcessImageNameA( h, 0, exe, & exe_size );
    CloseHandle( h );
    DWORD dwHandle, sz = GetFileVersionInfoSizeA( exe, & dwHandle );
    if ( 0 == sz )
        return "";
    std::vector< unsigned char > buf( sz );
    if ( !GetFileVersionInfoA( exe, dwHandle, sz, & buf[ 0 ] ) )
        return "";
    sz = sizeof( VS_FIXEDFILEINFO );
    if ( !VerQueryValueA( & buf[ 0 ], "\\", (LPVOID*)&pvi, (unsigned int*)&sz ) )
        return "";
    char ver[ 142 ];
    sprintf( ver, "%d.%d.%d.%d"
            , pvi->dwProductVersionMS >> 16
            , pvi->dwFileVersionMS & 0xFFFF
            , pvi->dwFileVersionLS >> 16
            , pvi->dwFileVersionLS & 0xFFFF
    return ver;

