Install C# library without the Package Manager Console

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-24 16:22:21


Is there any way to install C# libraries other than using the Package Manager Console? I want to use the Facebook C# SDK but I'm using Visual Studio Express for WP and I don't have the PMC. I found this guide on nuget, but I'm going to have to do it some other way.

Any ideas?


It is mentioned in file on how to download Facebook C# SDK .dll files without using NuGet Package Manager Console at

Binaries for Facebook C# SDK are only distributed via nuget. For those using older versions of Visual Studio that does not support NuGet Package Manager, please download the command line version of NuGet.exe ( and run the following command.

nuget install Facebook

If you would like to get an older version of the the binaries please use the following command.

nuget install Facebook -v 5.4.1

Update: Yo can download version directly from the browser by navigating to rename the .nupkg to .zip and extract it using your favorite zip program.


There is a alternative open-source IDE sharpDevelop. It can add packages to your projects. It works with the visual Studio files!

In the latest version the plugin is even independent from wether the plugin for visual studio is installed or not! Nuget in SharpDevelop

PS: It does have some limitations in comparison with the plugin from VS, complexe packages will fail to do everything that they are supposed to do. Interactions with the IDE for instance will likely fail. ( So MVC 3 model generation will not work if you install that package with SharpDevelop)


VS 2012 has the option, under Tools->Library Package Manager.


You could get the Facebook SDK source from github and add a reference to the sdk project from your solution.

Or just build the libraries from the Facebook SDK solution and reference them in your project.

