How to detect we're running under the ARM64 version of Windows 10 in .NET?

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-24 15:07:46


I created a C# .NET console application that can run in Windows 10 x86, x64 and ARM64 (via emulator layer).

I would like to know how to detect that the application is running in those platforms. I know how to detect x86 and x64, but how to detect that the app is running inside ARM64?

This is a snapshot of Visual Studio running into my ARM64 System. You can see that it's detected as X86


You will be able to detect the processor architecture by using


Which will then return an Architecure enum:


OK, this code works:

public static class ArchitectureInfo
    public static bool IsArm64()
        var handle = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle;
        IsWow64Process2(handle, out var processMachine, out var nativeMachine);

        return nativeMachine == 0xaa64;

    [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    private static extern bool IsWow64Process2(
        IntPtr process, 
        out ushort processMachine, 
        out ushort nativeMachine

(via Calling IsWowProcess2 from C# .NET (P/Invoke))

