What should be the data type for the hashed value of a password encrypted using PBKDF2?

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-24 14:51:14


I am trying to learn to use PBKDF2 hash functions for storing passwords in the database. I have a rough draft of the procedure that I'll be using to generate the hashed function. But while I am creating the table in PL/SQL Developer which will hold the generated hashed password, what should I declare the data type for the encrypted password variable?

It might be a lame question but I'm trying to learn online. It would be a huge help if I can get links for further study as well. thank you. please help


The first link, as always, is Thomas Pornin's canonical answer to How to securely hash passwords.

Storage in the database

  • The hash can be stored in BINARY format for the least transformations and smallest number of bytes; see below for sizes.

    • Alternately, store it in a CHAR after converting to hex, which costs a transformation and double the bytes of the BINARY size

    • Alternatively, store it in a CHAR after converting to Base64, which costs a transformation and 4/3rds the number of bytes of BINARY size plus padding

    • i.e. PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA-512 where all 64 bytes of output are used would be

      • BINARY(64) as binary

      • CHAR(128) as hex

      • CHAR(88) as Base64

  • The number of iterations should be stored in an INT, so it can be trivially increased later

  • The salt, which must be a per-user, cryptographically random value, can be stored in a BINARY format for the smallest number of bytes, and should be at least 12, and preferably 16-24 bytes long.

    • i.e. for a 16 byte binary salt

      • BINARY(16) as binary

      • CHAR(32) as hex

      • CHAR(24) as Base64

  • Optionally a password hash algorithm version as a small INT type

    • i.e. 1 for PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA-512, and then later if you change to BCrypt, 2 for BCrypt, etc.

Normal PBKDF2 considerations

  • Consider using PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA-512, as SHA-512 in particular has 64-bit operations that reduce the advantage most GPU based attackers have over you as of early 2016.

  • Use a high (hundreds of thousands or high tens of thousands) of iterations.

  • Don't ask for a larger number of PBKDF2 output bytes than the native hash function supports

    • SHA-512 <= 64 bytes

    • SHA-384 <= 48 bytes

    • SHA-256 <= 32 bytes

    • SHA-224 <= 28 bytes

    • MD5 <= 20 bytes

