Decode text response from API in Python 3.6

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-24 14:14:51


I am trying to extract data from mailchimp export api, which returns responses based on the following specifications:


Parameter - text

Description: a plain text dump of JSON objects. The first row is a header row. Each additional row returned is an individual JSON object. Rows are delimited using a newline (\n) marker, so implementations can read in a single line at a time, handle it, and move on.

To get the data I am using:

response = requests.get(urldetails).text

If I use .json() it errors out with a JSON decode error. The output of the above is something along the lines of:

{data..} {data...}

I am unsure whether each dict is on a separate row, however I am under the impression it's actually just one continuous string as many of my attempts to decode it ended up with an error 'str' object cannot be...etc. . I don't see the '\n' separators anywhere when I am using the .text method.

What's the best way of going about and make each dict a separate item in a list or a row in a dataframe (which I can unpack later).



You can get all the data from the MailChimp export api using a simple approach. Please note that I am using f-strings, only available in Python 3.6+.

import requests
import json

apikey = '<your-api-key>'
id = "<list-id>"

URL = f"{apikey}&id={id}"

json_data = [json.loads(s) for s in requests.get(URL).text.strip().split("\n")]


Provided that the text response isn't insanely badly formed json, you can use the json library. In particular, the loads() function.

import json
json_response = json.loads(response)

loads() loads JSON into a python dict from a string.

EDIT: The Mailchimp API states that each JSON object is separated by a newline character. We can create a list of dicts with the following code:

# get response from GET request and load as a string
import json
json_resp = [json.loads(line) for line in response.split('\n')]

