Passing a Java object from one Struts action to another

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-24 05:32:24


In one of my Struts action I've got the following code in a method:

  List<Object> retrievedListOfObjects = c.getListOfObjects();
  return mapping.findForward("view");

fw_view leads to a new Struts action with another Struts form. Let's say this form has got among others the following field

List<Object> listOfObjects;

I now want to pass the retrievedListOfObjects from within the first Struts action to the form of the following Struts action.

Is this possible without storing it in the session?


you can store it as a request attribute.

request.setAttribute("listOfObjects", listOfObjects);

and then in the Action that is forwarded to

List<Object> listOfObjects = (List<Object>)request.getAttribute("listOfObjects");

Given that when setting request attributes you can give them meaningful names, you should consider setting many attributes rather than setting one big list of objects.


Correction of krock code.

Setting object to request:

request.setAttribute("listOfObjects", listOfObjects);

Getting the object in an other action.

List<Object> listOfObjects = (List<Object>)request.getAttribute("listOfObjects");

