Compile a JDK12 preview feature with Maven

前提是你 提交于 2019-11-27 08:51:46

Step 1: One can make use of the following maven configurations to compile the code using the --enable-preview along with --release 12 argument.

        <!-- This is just to make sure the class is set as main class to execute from the jar-->

Note:- I had to also ensure on my MacOS that my ~/.mavenrc file was configured to mark java 12 as the default java configured for maven.

Step 2: Execute the maven command to build the jar from the module classes

mvn clean verify 

Step 3: Use the command line to execute the main class of the jar created in the previous step as :

java --enable-preview -jar target/jdk12-updates-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar #the last argument being the path to my jar

This produces the output as expected as:

Source on GitHub
