Qt JNI : Invalid indirect reference 0x61382e48 in decodeIndirectRef

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-24 03:05:08


I am trying the Qt project that captures audio data from mic on android. I refereed this article : Android AudioRecord example, and wrote it to Qt code.

int recorderSampleRate = 44100;
int recorderChannels = QAndroidJniObject::getStaticField<jint>("android/media/AudioFormat", "CHANNEL_IN_MONO");
int recorderAudioEncoding =  QAndroidJniObject::getStaticField<jint>("android/media/AudioFormat", "ENCODING_PCM_16BIT");
int sourceType = QAndroidJniObject::getStaticField<jint>("android/media/MediaRecorder$AudioSource", "MIC");

int bsize = QAndroidJniObject::callStaticMethod<int>("android/media/AudioRecord", "getMinBufferSize", "(III)I", recorderSampleRate, recorderChannels, recorderAudioEncoding);

mAudioRecorder = new QAndroidJniObject("android/media/AudioRecord", "(IIIII)V", sourceType, recorderSampleRate, recorderChannels, recorderAudioEncoding, BufferElements2Rec * BytesPerElement);

// starting capture.
mAudioRecorder->callMethod<void>("startRecording", "()V");

// ready buffer.
jint size = BufferElements2Rec * BytesPerElement;
jbyte buffers[size * 2];

qDebug() << "start capture";

        jint offset = 0;

        // read cached audio data from AudioRecord
        int result = mAudioRecorder->callMethod<jint>("read", "([BII)I", buffers, offset, size);

        qDebug() << "readed byte size " << result;

    // wait a bit for new audio data.

But, at this line int result = mAudioRecorder->callMethod("read", "([BII)I", buffers, offset, size); the app crashed and outputted following log.

W/dalvikvm(24772): Invalid indirect reference 0x61382e48 in decodeIndirectRef
E/dalvikvm(24772): VM aborting
F/libc    (24772): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadd00d (code=1), thread 24975 (ldAndroidCaptur)

I guessed this error was cause of bad JNI calling, but I couldn't find the reason.

Addition: I found 0x61382e48 is a address of buffers array

EDIT : Android guide for AudioRecord is here.

Welcome any advices.

