“Login Forbidden” when using Meteor's Accounts.validateLoginAttempt(func)

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-24 00:35:23


I have a basic Meteor method that I am trying to call whenever the user attempts to sign in.

Accounts.validateLoginAttempt(function (options) {
   Meteor.call('method', true, function (error, result) { 
     // do nothing

However, whenever I try to sign in, I receive "Login Forbidden" as an error. The same happens upon sign up. I am guessing I need to be returning something for the function, but do not know what. Your help would be greatly appreciated!


From the docs http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/accounts_validateloginattempt

A validate login callback must return a truthy value for the login to proceed. 

In the block do some validations like if user is verified or not and return true or false to complete the login process.

