javabridge setup/installation issue

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-24 00:18:06


I am using wamp server 2 and tomcat 7. I put javabridge.war inside webapp directorya and started tomcat. This created javabridge directory inside webapp.

I even copied this javabridge directory to the root directory. However, when I try to use the follwoing example, I get an error:

php require_once("java/");
echo java("java.lang.System")->getProperties();
specified resource () has been forbidden. 

Can someone tell me what mistake did i make in this setup?


Remember to do all this

1. download PHP/Java Bridge(
2. deploy the Java Bridge on tomcat Server.
3. copy the jar jasper lib, ireport lib and mysql connector j lib in tomcat lib folder
4. restart tomcat server
5. edit php.ini,turn on setting -> allow_url_include = On;
6. restart apache httpd server

