sql syntax for update query with connect by prior

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-23 19:32:02


I start to work with sql and I faced up with hierarchical queries. meanwhile I success to select the rows with connect by prior command but failed to update. Here is my update query:

update HTABLE set status = 'INACTIVE'
  Connect by prior PARENT_ID=ID start with PARENT_ID=12345;

I got SQL Error: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended and will be glad to know how to update table using hierarchically..


EDIT I also tried to put the where condition in the start with, not helps:

update HTABLE set status = 'INACTIVE'
  Connect by prior PARENT_ID=ID start with PARENT_ID=12345 AND STATUS <> 'CLOSE';


The hierarchical query only works with SELECT. It doesn't work with UPDATE (I agree it could be neat if it did).

So what you can do is this:

update HTABLE 
set status = 'INACTIVE'
and id in ( select c.id
            from htable
            connect by prior ID = PARENT_ID 
            start with PARENT_ID = 12345);

Note the order of columns connect by prior ID = PARENT_ID. Normally we want to walk down the tree from the START WITH row, which is what I've done. Your ordering connect by prior PARENT_ID = ID walks up the tree from 12345 to its parents, grandparents, etc. If that's what you want, switch the connect by clause back.


You can update using clause where id in (select ... connect by...) or you can use merge:

merge into htable h
using (select distinct id 
         from htable 
         where status <> 'CLOSE'
         connect by prior parent_id = id 
         start with parent_id = 11) src
on (h.id = src.id)
when matched then update set status = 'INACTIVE'

Test data:

create table htable (id number(4), parent_id number(4), status varchar2(10));
insert into htable values (   1, null, 'ACTIVE');
insert into htable values (  11,    1, 'CLOSE');
insert into htable values (  12,    1, 'ACTIVE');
insert into htable values ( 111,   11, 'ACTIVE');
insert into htable values ( 112,   11, 'ACTIVE');
insert into htable values ( 121,   12, 'ACTIVE');
insert into htable values (   2, null, 'ACTIVE');
insert into htable values (  21,    2, 'ACTIVE');
insert into htable values ( 211,   21, 'ACTIVE');
insert into htable values ( 212,   21, 'ACTIVE');

and after merge:

----- --------- ----------
    1           INACTIVE
   11         1 INACTIVE
   12         1 ACTIVE
  111        11 INACTIVE
  112        11 INACTIVE
  121        12 ACTIVE
    2           ACTIVE
   21         2 ACTIVE
  211        21 ACTIVE
  212        21 ACTIVE

