What is the standard build tool in Erlang?

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-23 08:04:27


I am very new to Erlang programming language. Is there a standard build tool in Erlang?

I have googled out these, not sure which one I should use.

  • Erlang Make http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/make.html

  • Rebar

  • Erlang.mk


Rebar is gradually being replaced by rebar3, which provides more deterministic builds and conflict resolution, packages (integrating with hex.pm), and so on.

As one of the current rebar and rebar3 maintainers, I'd recommend rebar3.


Yes, we can use default make tool for build yours code (http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/make.html). But it is not so convenient.

Most projects use rebar. Because it is easy and convenient.

And yes, we can user Erlang.mk, it also provides the necessary functionality. It's big Makefile.

I recommend you start with rebar.

