How to check a var for null value?

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-23 07:01:28


I am using PetaPoco Micro-ORM with C# 4.0.

The code below retrieves a single row from the database:

var result = db.SingleOrDefault<TdUsers>(getUserQuery);

I would like to check whether or not the result contains any rows, and whether is null. What is the best way to do this?


if (result == null || result.Count() == 0) {
    // Checks whether the entire result is null OR
    // contains no resulting records.

I think the problem is not in your check for null, because linq is lazy loading. Your error is in using the expression db.SingleOrDefault<TdUsers>(getUserQuery);.

.Single<T>(expression) does not return null - it errors if the result returns no values. .SingleOrDefault<T>(expression), however, returns a null value if the expression results in no values - and therefore is best combined with an if (result == null) type check, as you're using here.


var result = db.SingleOrDefault<TdUsers>(getUserQuery);

In above code SingleOrDefault will return null vale or the specified generic type(it's known on runtime).

Inorder to check whether the returned values is null or not you can simply use

//do your code stuff 
//stuff do be done in case where result==null


You could do:

result.ToList() // Convert result to a list

if (result.Any()) {
   // result is not null


 var v = result.ToList();

now check

if (v.Count > 0)

