Dump a process's entire state to disk and load back when required

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-23 04:28:49


I have a c# application that accepts jobs based on multiple events

Like file watcher, time based events etc.

But an time would come in the life cycle of the application that it would process resources partially, take them in the RAM. And then will wait for an event to happen. But until that event the process would hold the 1.2 GB RAM(say).

In this time the process cannot be killed and this process has to accept more jobs.

My question:

Can we dump the entire state of this process to the disk and on a later point(say 6 hrs later) when that event would happen, restart the process using that dump file so that the entire state gets loaded and then "continue" the execution from that point.

Using .net 4.0 Vs2010/vs2015 C#

I read this : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-IN/library/d5zhxt22.aspx#

But continuing the process isn't an option.

Please advice

