P tag not rendering correctly in iBooks 2.0.1

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-23 03:56:47


I have an EPUB created with InDesign 5.5 and am trying to use the built-in Futura on the iPad. H1 and H2 tags render properly in iBooks 2.0.1 but P tag and classes default to Times Roman. I've tried the samp hack, but no luck. Here's an example:

p.Narrative-Body {
font-family : Futura, Arial, sans-serif;
font-weight : normal;
font-style : normal;
font-size : 1em;
font-variant : normal;
line-height : 1.6;
text-align : left;
color : #000000; }

and here's the html:

<p class="Narrative-Body">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sapien lorem, semper ac tempus quis, imperdiet quis dui. Morbi sed sollicitudin elit.</p> *Real copy covered by non-disclosure.*

Couldn't find any answers on the e-production sites and I re-installed iBooks. Same problem. However, it works properly in ADE and Safari and Calibre correctly shows sans-serif. Thanks in advance!

We're making progress!! I added the com.apple xml file and mapped my body style to p tags. Now they display Futura, but only if they're straight p tags or p tags with spans (used for run-in text). P tags w/classes still don't use Futura. Just as a test, I made the class names lowercase in the html and css, but still no luck. Here's the revised HTML:

<p><span class="Quote-RunIn">“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci.” </p>

The CSS is now:

p {
font-family: Futura, Arial, sans-serif;
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
font-size: 1em;
font-variant: normal;
line-height: 1.6;
text-align: left;
margin: 0 0 1em 0;
orphans: 2;
widows: 2;


Natasha, since I'm not using the samp tag, I should specify the font-family in the p tag, right?


Do you have the com.apple.ibooks.display-options.xml file in your META-INF? It should have in it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<platform name="*">
<option name="specified-fonts">true</option>

This might just be necessary for embedded fonts; I forget. I'm sorry, LOL! Let me know if that works for you!

That's right. The font-family doesn't work inside the p tag, although it works inside the h tags. You want to take out the font-family in the p tag. Do this:

p.Narrative-Body {
font-weight : normal;
font-style : normal;
font-size : 1em;
font-variant : normal;
line-height : 1.6;
text-align : left;
color : #000000; }
samp { font-family : Futura, Arial, sans-serif; }

The the markup should be:

<p class="Narrative-Body"><samp>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sapien lorem, semper ac tempus quis, imperdiet quis dui. Morbi sed sollicitudin elit.</samp></p>

Please note that you will also need the file I mentioned before in your META-INF folder.

This definitely works; if you find it doesn't, then maybe run through CSS and Markup validators, and see if there's something else interfering?

Good luck!


You definitely need the Apple Display Options file in your META-INF with specified-fonts=true. This setting is for all specified fonts - both embedded and system.

p { font-family: Futura;} is fine syntax - it will work in iBooks.

If you have access to the iOS simulator, drag your XHTML file into Safari in the simulator and test there - its sometimes pickier about capitalization, etc. That said, the capitalized class is not a problem.

Good luck!


Well, I got it to work, thanks to all of you for your help. Adding the Apple Display Options file did the trick. I hope Adobe finds a way to generate this file automatically in future updates. I wound up leaving the font-family property in the p tag because that's how InDesign generated it. Since it was working, I figured, why tempt fate??

BTW, iBooks seems to honor img width tags in the latest version.


says Derrick Schultz, @dvsch on twitter:

Can't speak to ePub, but in HTML that wouldn't validate because classes need to start w/ lowercase letters.

