Creating Soap messages with objectTypes using SUDS library in Robot Framework

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-23 01:52:52


i am struggling to create this part of the soap message using robot framework with SUDS library.

    <ns0:ID objectType="SomeType">Value</ns0:ID>

If i do like this, then i get all i need but not the objectType.

${object}=    Create Wsdl Object    ns19:RequestTypeSingle
Set Wsdl Object Attribute    ${object}    ID    1234



If i check what my ns19:RequestTypeSingle wants i get this:

${object} = (RequestTypeSingle){
   ID = 
         _objectType = ""

"RequestTypeSingle" definition

<xs:complexType name="RequestTypeSingle">
  <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="ID" nillable="true">
     <xs:extension base="xs:string">
      <xs:attribute name="objectType" type="xs:string"/>

So how can i declare this "(ID){_objectType = ""} with SUDS or some other?

Thanks to ombre42 this can be done like this (first question answered):

${req}=    Create WSDL Object    ns19:RequestTypeSingle    # may need namespace prefix here
Set Wsdl Object Attribute    ${req.ID}    _objectType    SomeType

(Continuing question). How ever this will not set the value as i mentioned in my request example. It would seem that this kind of syntax would work but it did not. Any great ideas on this one?

This will give an error: "ValueError: Object must be a WSDL object (suds.sudsobject.Object)."

${req}=    Create WSDL Object    ns19:RequestTypeSingle    # may need namespace prefix here
Set Wsdl Object Attribute    ${req}    ID    1234
Set Wsdl Object Attribute    ${req.ID}    _objectType    SomeType

And this will overwrite the first _objectType definition.

${req}=    Create WSDL Object    ns19:RequestTypeSingle    # may need namespace prefix here
Set Wsdl Object Attribute    ${req.ID}    _objectType    SomeType
Set Wsdl Object Attribute    ${req}    ID    1234

What i mean by overwrite is that i get this:



When assigning a value to property that is expressed as an XML attribute instead of an element, prefix the name with an underscore (why _objectType instead of objectType).

${req}=    Create WSDL Object    RequestTypeSingle    # may need namespace prefix here
Set Wsdl Object Attribute    ${req.ID}    _objectType    SomeType

