How to update left, right, level values on existing category hierarchy data using gedmo tree doctrine extension in symfony?

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-22 18:05:10


I have existing hierarchical data for categories. I have been using traditional approach to get parent, child etc using parent_id.

Now I am trying to use Gedmo doctrine extension for the same. I have installed the extension and updated schema.

If I create new categories with parent child as given in documentation example, it works. It populates lft, lvl, rgt, root columns properly.

   $food = new Entity\Category();

    $fruits = new Entity\Category();

    $apple = new Entity\Category();

    $milk = new Entity\Category();


But above columns for my old categories have 0 values.

I tried fetching all results and updating them but it still all values for above columns are 0.

Update 1:

Adding this


populated lft and rgt but still lvl and root are 0 & NULL resp.


To update left and right just:


But I'm still looking how to update levels :)

