How to handle $ctrl. in AngularJS?

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-22 08:30:15


I have a Methode from an API. It returns a promise which resolves to an $ctrl(?) object. This objects should contain a measurement and will be updated whenever it receive a new data.

getMeasurements.latest(filter)     //only a object to filter through all measurements
    .then(function (latestMeasurement) {
        $ctrl.latestMeasurement = latestMeasurement;

My problem is that I don't know how to work with this data or display it in my html file. How does $ctrl work?

Here the documentation of the API


$ctrl is the view model object in your controller. This $ctrl is a name you choose (vm is another most common name), if you check your code you can see the definition as $ctrl = this;, so basically its the this keyword of the controller function.

So now if you are using $ctrl.latestMeasurement = 'someValue', then its like you are adding a property latestMeasurement to controller function.

Now how to use it in HTML?

To access the latestMeasurement property in HTML your code must have <h1>{{$ctrl.latestMeasurement}}</h1> (H1 tag is just an example.)

Here $ctrl is different from what I explained above on controller part. Here $ctrl is the value used for controllerAs property of the controller. But $ctrl is the default value of the controllerAs property, so your code may not have the controllerAs property defined, so Angular will take default value $ctrl in HTML.

This is where most people gets confused. So let me explain,

Assume in your new controller you have declared your this keyword to variable vm, and you set your controllerAs property to myCtrl, i.e;

controllerAs: 'myCtrl' while defining controller properties.

var vm = this; in your controller function.

In this case in js you have to use vm for setting values, and in HTML you have to use myCtrl. For example,

in JS controller function vm.test = 'Hello world';

in HTML <span ng-bind="myCtrl.test"></span>

The result Hello world will be displayed in your page.

Why $ctrl and not $scope?

The view model object model concept is introduced in AngularJS 1.5, it is actually part of migrating to Angular 2 where $scope no longer exsist. So in 1.5 they introduced new approch but did not removed $scope completely.

Hope the answer helped.

For basic Javascript concepts you can see

For more detailed AngularJS $ctrl concept you can see


I suppose you are toking about this.

In this case, the


can means:

$ctrl, the controller where you are running this code. You can change it by $scope for example, and get the same result.

latestMeasurement, the variable where you want to store the last value of the measurement.

To explain my point of view let see the code below

<div ng-app="MeasurementApp">
  <div ng-controller="MeasurementController">

There you can see a simple angularjs app that shows a variable called latestMeasurement2 in a div and its controller called MeasurementController. Then, to display the value let check your code.

angular.module('MeasurementApp', [])
  // creating the controller 
  .controller('MeasurementController', function(c8yMeasurements, $scope) {
      // creating the variable and let it empty by now.
      $scope.latestMeasurement2 = "";
      // Your code 
      var filter = {
        device: 10300,
        fragment: 'c8y_Temperature',
        series: 'T'
      var realtime = true;
      c8yMeasurements.latest(filter, realtime)
         .then(function (latestMeasurement) {
                // The latestMeasurement is where the measurement comes
                // Here we just assign it into our $scope.latestMeasurement2
               $scope.latestMeasurement2 = latestMeasurement;

As the documentation says

   // $scope.latestMeasurement2 will be updated as soon as a new measurement is received.
   $scope.latestMeasurement2 = latestMeasurement;

Hope this helps!

