Is 'invariant' property part of the definition of Abstraction?

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-21 21:27:48


As part of my learning i think the best answer(with meaning) for definition of abstraction that i found is from stackoverflow:

What is abstraction?

Besides that,

As part of current online course cs61B Fall 2006, Berkeley, i learnt the similar below definition of ADT close to above definition but added an extra word 'invariant'. Shall i consider this word as corollary to the above definition? or Is this word part of the definition?

An _Abstract_Data_Type_ (ADT) is a class that has a well-defined interface, but its implementation details are firmly hidden from other classes. That way, you can change the implementation of a class without jeopardizing the programs that depend on it. The Date class is an ADT.

ADT allows you to enforce invariants.

An invariant is a fact about a data structure that is always true (assuming the code is bug-free), no matter what methods are called by external classes. For example, the Date ADT enforces the invariant that a Date object always represents a valid date. An invariant is enforced by allowing access to certain fields only through method calls.


One of my favourite definitions of abstraction is Robert C. Martin's, from the book Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices:

Abstraction is the elimination of the irrelevant and the amplification of the essential.

Based on that definition, an abstraction can take many forms, on many different levels:

  • It can be an entire system
  • It can be a subsystem
  • It can be a definition of a message format (akin to a protocol)
  • It can be a function (as in Functional Programming)
  • It can be an abstract base class
  • It can be an interface
  • It can be a concrete class
  • etc.

In Object-Oriented Software Construction, Bertrand Meyer describes classes as Abstract Data Types. The idea in this book is that the description of an Abstract Data Type includes pre- and post-conditions. In Eiffel (the language used in the book), these are called assertions, but we also know them as invariants.

Meyer's view on Object-Oriented Design includes invariants. On a detailed (class/object/function) level, I agree that it makes sense to view invariants as a way to describe an abstraction.

On the other hand, if your abstraction is a description of a high-level architecture, those kind of invariants doesn't make sense. Still, even at a high level, it would often be valuable to define pre- and post-condition (e.g. "System A must be responding in order for System B to work correctly"), so it does makes sense to think about invariants in relation to abstractions.

