knockout template binding

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-21 17:19:33


I have an ul element which is filled through template binding.

<script type="text/html" id="someTemplate">
   <span data-bind="text: someText">

<ul data-bind="template: {foreach: someElemets, name: 'someTemplate'}">

But I want the first li-tag would not be li-tag from template but another one with button in it and it will not be connected to someElemets array. If I do in that way

<ul data-bind="template: {foreach: someElemets, name: 'someTemplate'}">
    <li><button data-bind=click: doSomething">Click me</button></li>

then li-tag with button will be the last one after rendering. What is the best way to solve that problem?


You can use containerless control flow syntax, databinding using comment tags. No need for a template. more info

    <li><button data-bind=click: doSomething">Click me</button></li>
    <!-- ko foreach: someElemets-->         
        <span data-bind="text: someText"></span>
    <!-- /ko -->


The following will do it:

<!-- ko template: { name: 'template-name', data: vm } --> <!-- /ko -->


I'm not aware of an easy way to access the index when inside a template. You could use template options as described at How to use foreach with a special first element?

Your code would be something like:

<ul data-bind="template: { name: 'someTemplate', foreach: someElemets, templateOptions: { first: someElemets()[0]} }">

<script id="someTemplate" type="text/html">
    {{if $item.first === $data}}
      <button data-bind="click: doSomething">Click me</button>
    <span data-bind="text: someText">

