Memory Leak Using JSON-C

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-21 09:31:50


I am new to JSON-C, Please see my sample code and let me know of it will create any memory leak, if yes then how to free JSON-C object.

    struct json_object *new_obj         = NULL;
    new_obj = json_tokener_parse(strRawJSON);
    new_obj = json_object_object_get(new_obj, "FUU");
    if(NULL == new_obj){
        SYS_OUT("\nFUU not found in JSON");
        return NO;
    new_obj = json_object_object_get(new_obj, "FOO"); // I m re-using new_obj, without free it?  
    if(NULL == new_obj){
        SYS_OUT("\nFOO not found in JSON");
        return NO;
    // DO I need to clean new_obj, if yes then how ??

Do I need to clean new_obj, if yes then how. Can some one help to understand how to do memory management JSON-C.

Thanks in Advance


NO, We need to call json_object_put only once for root object as long as we are not explicitly allocating memory to json-object and this worked for me.....!!


Yes, I believe your code will leak memory. The problem is that you are overwriting your new_obj pointer multiple times. Your code should be something like this:

struct json_object *new_obj, *fuu_obj, *foo_obj;
new_obj = json_tokener_parse(strRawJSON);
fuu_obj = json_object_object_get(new_obj, "FUU");
if(NULL == new_obj){
    SYS_OUT("\nFUU not found in JSON");
    return NO;
foo_obj = json_object_object_get(new_obj, "FOO"); 
if(NULL == new_obj){
    SYS_OUT("\nFOO not found in JSON");
    return NO;

Please let me know if this works for you. If you want more help, json-c has a reference count mode which can give you more information about objects. Let me know and I can elaborate on this more.


json_tokener_parse() will create an object which must be deleted. in this case


is required.

