How to programmatically generate .class files?

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-21 04:12:19


I would like to write a compiler for a toy-language for Java. I would like to generate runnable .class files. I was wondering what is the best library or tool available for doing this? I know I could learn the binary format for all the instructions and build my own constant pool etc, but that seems like work that ought to have been already done: no point reinventing the wheel, right?

Searching online I've found two different Java Assembly languages, Jasmin and Jamaica, however only Jasmin looks somewhat maintained.

Is there a Java library for writing byte codes to a stream? Is this what the Apache BCEL is?

Is their a tool for this that is the "standard" for byte-code generation, like Antlr is for parsing?

PS- The toy language is Brainf***, I wanted something where I could have a simple "grammar" so I could focus on the generation aspect and not the parsing part... that will come later on the next step.


ASM and BCEL do basically similar things. I'd recommend ASM as it's much more supported, much smaller, and is up to date JDK-wise.


It sounds like you're looking for Apache BCEL:

The Byte Code Engineering Library (Apache Commons BCEL™) is intended to give users a convenient way to analyze, create, and manipulate (binary) Java class files (those ending with .class).

