How to use AutoValue with Retrofit 2?

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-20 10:48:30


I've got AutoValue (and the android-apt plugin) working in a project, and I'm aware of Ryan Harter's gson extension for AutoValue, but how do I hook Retrofit 2 up to use the extension and factory method on the abstract class?

String grantType = "password";
Call<SignIn> signInCall = retrofitApi.signIn(email, password, grantType);

eg here I would like to use AutoValue with the SignIn JSON model object to enforce immutability but how do I hook up Retrofit (or perhaps more specifically Gson) to the immutable, AutoValue model class?


[update] The library have changed a bit, check more here:

I was able to make it work like this. I hope it will help you.

  • Import in your gradle app file

    apt ''

  • Create object with autovalue:

    @AutoValue public abstract class SignIn {    
        @SerializedName("signin_token") public abstract String signinToken();
        @SerializedName("user") public abstract Profile profile();
        public static TypeAdapter<SignIn> typeAdapter(Gson gson) {
            return new AutoValue_SignIn.GsonTypeAdapter(gson);
  • Create your Type Adapter Factory (Skip if using version > 0.3.0)

    public class AutoValueGsonTypeAdapterFactory implements TypeAdapterFactory {
        public <T> TypeAdapter<T> create(Gson gson, TypeToken<T> type) {
            Class<? super T> rawType = type.getRawType();
            if (rawType.equals(SignIn.class)) {
                return (TypeAdapter<T>) SignIn.typeAdapter(gson);
            return null;
  • Create your Gson converter with your GsonBuilder

    GsonConverterFactory gsonConverterFactory = GsonConverterFactory.create(
            new GsonBuilder()
                    .registerTypeAdapterFactory(new AutoValueGsonTypeAdapterFactory())
  • Add it to your retrofit builder

    Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit
  • Do your request

  • Enjoy

Bonus live template:
In your autovalue class, type avtypeadapter then autocomplete to generate the type adapter code. To work you need to add this as a live template in Android Studio.

public static TypeAdapter<$class$> typeAdapter(Gson gson) {
    return new AutoValue_$class$.GsonTypeAdapter(gson);

How to create and use the live template.


Here's a Gist by Jake Wharton for a Gson TypeAdapterFactory that just requires you add an annotation to all of your AutoValue classes that require working with Gson

Works great for me.

Here's some proguard help too..

-keep class **.AutoValue_*
-keepnames @yourpackage.AutoGson class *

