Django Rest Framework - detail page of @detail_route

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-19 19:53:29


I am ussing @detail_route on my viewsets.ModelViewSet.

class CompanyViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    queryset = Company.objects.all()
    serializer_class = serializers.CompanySerializer

    @detail_route(methods=['get', ], permission_classes=[IsCompanyUserPermission, ])
    def accounts(self, request, pk):
    return Response(...)

router.register(r'companies', views.CompanyViewSet)

this code creates url:


I dont know how to add route/view to detail account:


Is there any way to add route and views to handle this route ?

(the best option would be add this on CompanyViewSet)



DRF does not handle nested routes by itself, you may handle it by hand or use an extension, like drf-nested-routers, but its outdated.

My advice : don't fight the framework, DRF is not good at playing with url-nested resources, do it another way.


So avoid it when you can...but sometimes it makes sense to nest resources or methods

So for your case to handle both the accounts/ url and accounts/{account_id} you define another detail route.

You have already defined the one for accounts so you just add another function with a different name and ensure to add the url_path so you can get the account_id variable.

        @detail_route(methods=['get', ], permission_classes=[IsCompanyUserPermission, ])
        def accounts(self, request, pk):
        return Response(...)

        @detail_route(methods=['get', ], permission_classes=[IsCompanyUserPermission, ], 
        def account_detail(self, request, pk, account_id):
        return Response(...)

This answer took this similar answer as a reference

