Powerline on Mac OS X not working as expected

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-19 19:51:30


as the image shows , after installing the powerline for vim, some symbols are not working.

For searching google i thought there maybe problems with the patch fonts. But after trying i cannot solve this problem. Could someone help me?

Environment: Mac OSX 10.8.2, iTerm2. 


See “Custom font not working for iTerm2.” issue.


--For all the noobs, with attention deficit, like my self.

I had the same issue, the solution was much more basic than than installing the fonts, but was not mentioned anywhere else: manually setting the fonts in your terminal (still need to make sure you have the fonts installed).

In iTerm2: iTerm > preferences > profiles > text > Regular font & non ASCII font.

In Terminal : Terminal > preferences > profiles > text > fonts


For me this vim config solved the problem:

g:Powerline_symbols = 'unicode'

In some cases it could also be needed:

set t_Co=256 


Install powerline-shell fonts and change in your iTerm2 the text's setting with Inconsolata font for exemple.


Since you are on iTerm 2, make sure you go into your settings and set both the regular font and the non-ascii font to powerline compatible fonts or the prompt separators and special characters will not display correctly as it is happening in your case.


iTerm2 -> Preferences... -> Text -> Font & Non-ASCII Font -> Choose Inconsolata for Powerline

