Compare PHP Arrays Using Memory References

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-18 16:55:10


Is it possible to see if two array variables point to the same memory location? (they are the same array)


Actually, this can be done. Through a php extension.

File: config.m4

PHP_ARG_ENABLE(test, whether to enable test Extension support, [ --enable-test   Enable test ext support])

if test "$PHP_TEST" = "yes"; then
  AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TEST, 1, [Enable TEST Extension])
  PHP_NEW_EXTENSION(test, test.c, $ext_shared)

File: php_test.h

#ifndef PHP_TEST_H
#define PHP_TEST_H 1

#define PHP_TEST_EXT_VERSION "1.0"
#define PHP_TEST_EXT_EXTNAME "test"


extern zend_module_entry test_module_entry;
#define phpext_test_ptr &test_module_entry


File: test.c

#include "config.h"

#include "php.h"
#include "php_test.h"

ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(func_args, 1, 0, 0)

static function_entry test_functions[] = {
    PHP_FE(getaddress4, func_args)
    PHP_FE(getaddress, func_args)

zend_module_entry test_module_entry = {
#if ZEND_MODULE_API_NO >= 20010901
#if ZEND_MODULE_API_NO >= 20010901


    zval *var1;
    zval *var2;
    zval *var3;
    zval *var4;
    char r[500];
    if( zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "aaaa", &var1, &var2, &var3, &var4) == FAILURE ) {
    sprintf(r, "\n%p - %p - %p - %p\n%p - %p - %p - %p", var1, var2, var3, var4, Z_ARRVAL_P(var1), Z_ARRVAL_P(var2), Z_ARRVAL_P(var3), Z_ARRVAL_P(var4) );
    RETURN_STRING(r, 1);

    zval *var;
    char r[100];
    if( zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "a", &var) == FAILURE ) {
    sprintf(r, "%p", Z_ARRVAL_P(var));
    RETURN_STRING(r, 1);

Then all you have to do is phpize it, config it, and make it. Add a "extension=/path/to/so/file/modules/" to your php.ini file. And finally, restart the web server, just in case.

  $x = array("123"=>"123");
  $w = $x;
  $y = $x;
  $z = &$x;

Returns(at least for me, your memory addresses will probably be different)

string '
0x9efeb0 - 0x9effe0 - 0x9ef8c0 - 0x9efeb0
0x9efee0 - 0x9f0010 - 0x9ed790 - 0x9efee0' (length=84)

string '0x9efee0' (length=8)

string '0x9f0010' (length=8)

string '0x9ed790' (length=8)

string '0x9efee0' (length=8)

Thanks to Artefacto for pointing this out, but my original code was passing the arrays by value, so thereby was recreating arrays including the referenced-one, and giving you bad memory values. I have since changed the code to force all params to be passed by reference. This will allow references, arrays, and object, to be passed in unmolested by the php engine. $w/$z are the same thing, but $w/$x/$y are not. The old code, actually showed the reference breakage and the fact that the memory addresses would change or match when all variables were passed in vs multiple calls to the same function. This was because PHP would reuse the same memory when doing multiple calls. Comparing the results of the original function would be useless. The new code should fix this problem.

FYI - I'm using php 5.3.2.


Your question is actually a bit misleading. "point to the same memory location" and "are the same array" (which to me means is a reference to, at least in PHP) are not the same thing.

Memory locations refers to pointers. Pointers are not available in PHP. References are not pointers.

Anyway, if you want to check if $b is in fact a reference of $a, this is the closest you can get to an actual answer:

function is_ref_to(&$a, &$b) {
    if (is_object($a) && is_object($b)) {
        return ($a === $b);

    $temp_a = $a;
    $temp_b = $b;

    $key = uniqid('is_ref_to', true);
    $b = $key;

    if ($a === $key) $return = true;
    else $return = false;

    $a = $temp_a;
    $b = $temp_b;
    return $return; 

$a = array('foo');
$b = array('foo');
$c = &$a;
$d = $a;

var_dump(is_ref_to($a, $b)); // false
var_dump(is_ref_to($b, $c)); // false
var_dump(is_ref_to($a, $c)); // true
var_dump(is_ref_to($a, $d)); // false
var_dump($a); // is still array('foo')


References in PHP are a means to access the same variable content by different names. They are not like C pointers; for instance, you cannot perform pointer arithmetic using them, they are not actual memory addresses, and so on.

Conclusion: No, you can not



        function check(&$a,&$b){
            // perform first basic check, if both have different values
            // then they're definitely not the same.
            if($a!==$b)return false;
            // backup $a into $c
            // get some form of opposite to $a
            // compare $a and $b, if both are the same thing,
            // this should be true
            // restore $a from $c
            // return result
            return $r;

        $a=(object)array('aaa'=>'bbb'); $b=&$a;
        echo check($a,$b) ? 'yes' : 'no'; // yes
        $c='aaa'; $d='aaa';
        echo check($c,$d) ? 'yes' : 'no'; // no
        $e='bbb'; $f='ccc';
        echo check($e,$f) ? 'yes' : 'no'; // no

The function "check" was created in 2 mins or so. It assumes that if you change a reference's value, a second reference would have the newly add value as well. This function works on variables only. You can use it against constant value, function returns (unless by reference) etc.

Edit: During testing, I had some initial confusion. I kept reusing the same variable names ($a and $b) which resulted in all the conditionals being "yes". Here's why:

$a='aaa'; $b=&$a;     // a=aaa b=aaa
$a='ccc'; $b='ddd';   // a=ddd b=ddd   <= a is not ccc!

To correct the issue, I gave them a different name:

$a='aaa'; $b=&$a;     // a=aaa b=aaa
$c='ccc'; $d='ddd';   // c=ccc d=ddd   <= c is now correct

Edit: Why the answer is "yes" and not "no"

PHP does not reveal pointer information through scripting (neither pointer manipulation etc). However, it does allow alias variables (references), done by using the reference operator '&'. Feature is typically found in pointers, which explains the general confusion. That said, pointers are not aliases.

However, if we see the original question, the person wanted to know if $a is the same as $b, not where in the memory $a (or $b) is found. Whereas the earlier requirement applies to both references and pointers, the later one only applies to pointers.


First, your question is vague. It can mean several different things:

  • Do the variables have the same content? For this, you can use ===.
  • Do the variables use internally the same memory?
  • Are these variables in the same reference set? I.e., given two variables, $a and $b, if I change $a, will it change $b?

The answer to the second answer is not easy to determine. Jeremy Walton's answer has one significant problem -- his function receives by value, so if you pass it a reference, you force a separation and get the address of a new temporary value. You could make the function receive the parameter by reference, but then you'd have the opposite problem -- if you passed a value (with refcount >= 2), you would also force a separation.

More importantly, the second question is an irrelevant internal detail. Consider the following script:

$a = 1;
$b = $a; //addresses of $a and $b are the same
function force_sep(&$a) { }
//force_sep is a no-op, but it forced a separation; now addresses are not equal

So the important question is the third one. Unfortunately, there is no straightforward way to determine this. This has been requested several times; see e.g. this request.

However, there are a few options:

  • You could to receive the name of the variable and look it up in the symbol table. This is also what makes xdebug_debug_zval much more interesting than the flawed debug_zval_dump. This is a simple lookup in EG(active_symbol_table) for simple variables (but would get more complex if you wanted to include object properties and dimensions etc.), and this would also allow you to implement a solution for the 2nd question.
  • You could also modify Jeremy Walton's answer to make the function receive by reference (you'd need an arginfo structure) and receive the two values at the same time. Receiving them at the same time can avoid false positives due to reused memory addresses (though whether it's a problem depends on the usage of the function; on the other hand, Jeremy Walton's function always suffers from this problem when receiving references -- I can elaborate on this if necessary, but see my comment under his answer).
  • netcoder's answer, although hackish, also works. The idea is to receive two variables by reference, change one, and see if the other one changed, restoring the values in the end.


function var_name(&$ref){
    foreach($GLOBALS as $key => $val){
       if($val === $ref) return $key;

This is untested but what i know of php, vars are added to the GLOBALS as they are are loaded into the system, so the first occurance where they are identical should be the original var, but if you have 2 Variables Exactly the same i'm not sure how it would react


 $a["unqiue-thing"] = 1;
 if($b["unique-thing"] == 1) // a and b are the same

