iOS 13 UISplitView Problems

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-18 16:54:10


On iOS 13 Beta 5, I currently have problems with my UISplitView on iPhones.

My app starts with the detailsview off my splitview not with my masterview (look at the picture)

Does anyone know how i can fixed this problem under iOS 13? On iOS 12 everything works like a charm ☹️

Thx in advance Sebastian


Sorry for the late answer I was on a short holiday trip without any internet :/

my Class looks like this:

class MyClass : UITableViewController, UISplitViewControllerDelegate, UIPickerViewDelegate {

override func viewDidLoad() {

        if (UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad){
            navigationController?.navigationBar.isTranslucent = false


        splitViewController?.preferredDisplayMode = .allVisible
        splitViewController?.delegate = self

        self.definesPresentationContext = true


    // SplitView
    func splitViewController(_ splitViewController: UISplitViewController, collapseSecondary secondaryViewController: UIViewController, onto primaryViewController: UIViewController) -> Bool {
        return true


I think it's look like the normal procedure for this problem :/


I had the same issue.

After a bit of investigation it seems like viewDidLoad is too late to set it to all visible.

I subclassed the UISplitViewController and changed the setting in awakeFromNib method. Now it is working as expected.


Alxlives's answer helped me. By using the debugger, I notice that in the master view controller, viewDidLoad is not called. So the delegate is never set, thus the collapse method is never called.

I fixed this by setting the delegate in awakeFromNib():

override func awakeFromNib() {
    self.splitViewController?.delegate = self

Now the splitViewController(_ splitViewController: UISplitViewController, collapseSecondary secondaryViewController: UIViewController, onto primaryViewController: UIViewController) -> Bool is called, and if you return true, the master will be displayed.


Warren Milward's answer helped me to guide me in the right direction, but actually I got it working with viewDidLoad().

I ended up using a subclass for the UISplitViewController and set the required values in viewDidLoad() as well as the delegate calls here.

class CustomSplitViewController: UISplitViewController, UISplitViewControllerDelegate {

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        self.delegate = self
        self.preferredDisplayMode = .allVisible

    func splitViewController(_ splitViewController: UISplitViewController, collapseSecondary secondaryViewController: UIViewController, onto primaryViewController: UIViewController) -> Bool {
        return true


did you try this one (UISplitViewControllerDelegate):

self.preferredDisplayMode = .allVisible


func splitViewController(_ splitViewController: UISplitViewController, collapseSecondary secondaryViewController: UIViewController, onto primaryViewController: UIViewController) -> Bool {
    return true;


Try MasterViewController_Instance.view.layoutIfNeeded() inside Splitviewcontroller ViewDidLoad() method. It fixed my problem.

class CustomSplitController: UISplitViewController{ 
    override public func viewDidLoad() {

        //If you are using navigation controller in master controller try 


As many answers here leads to change in the Split View Controller starting sequence, I realized, that on compact size it performs vewDidLoad on detail controller ONLY. But awakeFromNib is called on every controller. So - I've just transfer my code from viewDidLoad to awakeFromNib and everything now is works perfectly!

override func awakeFromNib() {

    if let splitController = splitViewController {
        splitController.delegate = self


I set the spliteViewController's delegate on appdelegate, and it worked


For those who use storyboard and configure the new controller in a subclass from UIStoryboardSegue, it'll be simpler:

just before [source presentViewController:destination animated:YES completion:nil];, just set destination.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFullScreen;, because the default is now UIModalPresentationPageSheet.

