10 or 12 bit field data type in C++ [duplicate]

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-18 07:24:48


Is it possible to define some odd sized data type instead of the standard types using type-def like 10 bit or 12 bit in C++ ?


You can use a bitfield for that:

struct bit_field
    unsigned x: 10; // 10 bits

and use it like

bit_field b;
b.x = 15;


#include <iostream>

struct bit_field
    unsigned x: 10; // 10 bits

int main()
    bit_field b;
    b.x = 1023;
    std::cout << b.x << std::endl;
    b.x = 1024; // now we overflow our 10 bits
    std::cout << b.x << std::endl;

AFAIK, there is no way of having a bitfield outside a struct, i.e.

unsigned x: 10; 

by itself is invalid.


Sort of, if you use bit fields. However, bear in mind that bit fields are still packed within some intrinsic type. In the example pasted below, both has_foo and foo_count are "packed" inside of an unsigned integer, which on my machine, uses four bytes.

#include <stdio.h>

struct data {
  unsigned int has_foo : 1;
  unsigned int foo_count : 7;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  data d;
  d.has_foo = 1;
  d.foo_count = 42;

  printf("d.has_foo = %u\n", d.has_foo);
  printf("d.foo_count = %d\n", d.foo_count);
  printf("sizeof(d) = %lu\n", sizeof(d));

  return 0;


Use Bitfields for this. Guess this should help http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/Dave/C/node13.html#SECTION001320000000000000000

