How to get caller from strict mode?

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-17 19:12:31


Strict and non-strict code can be mixed. But you can't use caller even if the call to it is not in strict code. Does anybody know any workaround?

I tried this:

(function strict(){
    "use strict";
    nonStrictCaller();//error :(

function nonStrict(){
    return 011;//Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode

function nonStrictCaller(){
    return nonStrictCaller.caller;


Here's an evil hack that only works in V8. The 140 bytes version:

function x(a,b,c){function d(e,f){d=f}c=(b=Error)[a='prepareStackTrace'];b.captureStackTrace(b[a]=d,x);d.stack;b[a]=c;return d}

And the less cryptic version

if ('captureStackTrace' in Error) {
  void function(){
    function prepare(e, callsites){
      return callsites;

    function stack(f){
      var e = {};
      var oldPrepare = Error.prepareStackTrace;
      Error.prepareStackTrace = prepare;
      Error.captureStackTrace(e, f || stack.caller);
      e = e.stack;
      Error.prepareStackTrace = oldPrepare;
      return e;

    function lastReceiver(){
      return stack(lastReceiver)[2].receiver;

    var CallSite = stack()[0].constructor;
    var callsiteMethods = {};

      if (/^is|^get/.test(key)) {
        callsiteMethods[key.replace(/^is|^get/, '')] = CallSite.prototype[key];
      callsiteMethods.location = CallSite.prototype.toString;

    CallSite.prototype.resolve = function resolve(){
      for (var k in callsiteMethods)
        this[k] = callsiteMethods[k].call(this);


